Do you enjoy looking at your interlocutor who is unkemptly dressed, smeared and with not all the buttons sloppily buttoned up? It’s a pathetic and, at the very least, funny sight, isn’t it? This rule applies to both men and women at any age of different sizes. It would seem that only office workers can maintain such formality, people who every day are under the gun of hundreds of eyes create the image of the company. Can remote work on the Internet save you from the need to take care of yourself? Whatever the case! For example, a web model’s earnings on the Internet depend entirely on her ability to present herself, on her appearance and seductive attire, among other things.

Who wants to look at a model who is wearing something unknown, and is also the wrong size? Through the lens of a video camera, the member is able to notice any shortcomings. When what he sees does not satisfy the visitor’s expectations, he can not only leave the chat, but also complain about the model. To avoid such a mistake, you need to monitor not only your makeup, but also the condition of your clothes. So, let’s look at what clothes should be for high earnings.
Tips for web models: what to wear?
Everyone has their own taste preferences, ambitions and desires. Remote work on the Internet as a webcam model means experiments, new images and always a sexy appearance. Therefore, there are no clear rules on what exactly to wear. There are only general recommendations that will help you maintain popularity and acquire many wealthy members. So, tips for web models on what to wear:
Rule #1: my size
Even the most beautiful clothes will look ridiculous if they don’t fit you. It is necessary to clearly understand that by tightening and tightening it by several sizes, you will not only feel uncomfortable, but also threaten to cause laughter, not lust, in the member. Choose all outfits correctly and in the right size.
Rule #2: brand new
Don’t think that a member won’t be able to see your unironed shirts, pilled skirts, or unwashed collar. All this is visible, and, to put it mildly, it doesn’t look very good. You will only earn yourself a reputation as a lazy person and a slob.
Rule #3: sexuality is always in trend
All the tips for choosing clothes on a webcam come down to the fact that everything you put on should make the visitor want to touch you, take you off, or expose a certain part of your body. If you are dressed in an old-fashioned dress, this is unlikely to cause delight and a desire to continue the conversation. Therefore, we pay attention to modern tailoring, sexy and playful compositions.
Rule #4: erotica is not always nudity
Models who work in the Erotica category naively think that they don’t need to spend money on good costumes, because the visitor comes to look at the nude. This is the first and very big mistake of a beginner. The viewer comes to watch the play of sexuality, the dance of eroticism, which he will want to attend again and again. Why should he pay for what the Internet is oversaturated with? There are plenty of naked girls. Sexy doesn’t mean vulgar! You can wear a beautiful bodysuit, peignoir, T-shirts with shorts, skirts, dresses. We repeat, everything must fit perfectly!
Image of a model at work
If you decide to use different images or role-playing games, then the only advice, in addition to neatness and grooming, is full compliance with the chosen role. A large number of members are fetishists. The main thing for them is to enjoy your appearance and behavior. Therefore, we are not false in any way. Pay great attention to detail, clients notice everything!
Working remotely on the Internet as a web model requires you to monitor your appearance and the quality of your clothes. After all, this is the main secret of high earnings and popularity. Always be the standard of sexuality and style!