Sexuality, attractiveness and the desire to be the center of attention – this is inherent in every woman at the genetic level. It’s nice to catch admiring glances, feel your playful sexuality and give vain hopes to men. Being desirable does not depend on age and upbringing. Do you enjoy giving pleasure to strangers? Are you not embarrassed to show your body to strangers? Then it’s time to find out who the intimate chat model is.

Work is fun
Is it too good to be true to be sexy, to feel your own power over your interlocutor, and even to get paid for it? Today we will tell you how to work in such a way that you get pleasure and earn the right amount of money.
Working in the nude category is not for modest girls. Here you need to be the queen of the airwaves, be able to attract attention and be always ready for a somewhat piquant development of events right during communication. The excited member is ready to do anything to see the continuation of the show, and you get not only moral pleasure from this, but also a generous tip. However, you should not pay attention to criticism of such models. The easiest way is to give out labels and still live on a tenth of your minimum wage.
Working in intimate chats is not an analogue of online prostitution. This is an opportunity to develop a girl’s natural abilities and at the same time earn pretty good money. The average income of a newcomer in the nude category is $1000 per month. It is worth emphasizing that this is a beginner level. Further, when the chat model has a certain number of regular visitors, we can talk about income that exceeds the minimum income by 5-6 times. There are no restrictions, everything depends only on your desire and abilities.
Many people associate working in an intimate video chat with a penny salary and minimal rights. In fact, everything is exactly the opposite – it is the model who sets the rules of the game, controls the member and bathes in a sea of attention and compliments. TOP 3 common stereotypes regarding web models:
- work for girls and sex Everyone will know about my profession and type of activity, because you can record a chat and blackmail me. In fact, all information and action that takes place inside a private chat is confidential. A member, taking part in a private conversation with a model in the intimate category, may also be subject to blackmail. Therefore, neither party can disseminate any information obtained during the communication period without consent. The company strictly monitors this;
- They don’t pay much here because I don’t know English. The nude category is designed in such a way that communication is as comfortable as possible for all participants in the conversation. There is a dictionary that allows you to understand each other, and there is help from online translators. Earnings do not depend on the chosen category, it varies solely by the duration of communication;
- I definitely need to work with devices. No, not necessarily. You, as a model, set the rules by which communication will take place. If it is unacceptable for you to use specific toys, no one will force you. The nude category is not slavery, it is the same kind of communication that can take place within the framework that you set yourself.
The model decides which category to choose based on its own considerations. We do not influence your choice. All we can offer is help and advice. Everything else is up to you.