It has been mentioned many times that before going online, a webcam model must get herself in order. When communicating, you always need to be charming, in a great mood and try to interest every client. Today we will talk about the behavior of a webcam model during a broadcast, and also look at specific examples – successful and unsuccessful.
When a person reads the instructions, it is very important that there are clear examples. To make it easier for you to understand the information, we have prepared this article.

Important factors before going online
A webcam model simply must take care of herself! It doesn’t matter what kind of physique and facial features you have, because in order to earn a high income, you need to perfect your appearance. Even if it is not possible to regularly visit beauty salons, you should at least be neat. What does a novice webcam model need to do before starting a broadcast?
Clean up your appearance
Those who do not take care of themselves do not succeed in the webcam business. Attractive girls are used to looking their best in everyday life. What can we say about webcam, where appearance plays a big role. This does not mean that you need to be a titled beauty, but being able to emphasize your advantages and hide your shortcomings is necessary. Moreover, working as a web model is very profitable: smart girls always invest a good part of their earnings in themselves. Starting from trips to cosmetologists, ending with purchases of luxury clothes and accessories. There is a lot of competition in webcam, so the perspective of naturalness and body positivity will not be entirely successful. Yes, you may find your audience, but we are interested in your unconditional success, so we only give effective recommendations. Experienced models spend 3 hours on makeup and hair styling before broadcasting, not to mention the look that takes several days to complete. The only way to achieve a high income is to approach your work responsibly.
It is necessary to understand: it is not so much important to be like the world’s beauties, but rather what is needed is neatness, a pleasant appearance and natural female sexuality. In this case, you can win the hearts of many viewers.
Prepare your workplace
Your environment is just as important as your appearance. No one will be pleased to look at a beautiful girl when clothes and shabby wallpaper are scattered around. Try to create a cozy environment as much as possible that will not distract the client, but at the same time he will have a desire to linger in your room for a long time. In addition, expect that you will spend a sufficient number of hours in the room and therefore take care of your comfort. If you want to change into a themed costume while working or just show the audience that you have a lot of beautiful shoes and stockings, then try to fit them harmoniously into the interior.
It is necessary to remember: the web model must prepare the background before broadcasting. Experienced models advise changing locations to whet the viewer’s interest. It is also important to think about your movements around the room: the member may ask you to stand up or move, or you may want to show a dance yourself. It is important to look harmonious in the frame, so all movements should be rehearsed in advance.
Check lighting
Properly placed lighting devices can show your best side, but due to inexperience, some girls only spoil the picture. In this case, there are no special recommendations – here you can only focus on your capabilities and practice. It is necessary to arrange the lighting in accordance with the layout of the workplace and your location in the frame. Experienced models recommend using additional light sources in front of the camera and in the background, but without directing the light into the lens. You can use mirrors to play with light and visually enlarge the room. Moreover, the mirror is also used during work – the model is clearly visible from all sides.
Forbidden! Avoid pointing a bright light source at your face. Avoid glare or dark environments. Uniformity and harmony are important here.
How do others see me?
This question interests every webcam model. We think that you are no exception. Just turn on your webcam settings and watch the picture that will be shown to your visitors. Now you can adjust the light, angle, setting (what gets into the frame), and if you are not happy with something, fix it. It is recommended to check your workplace every time before going online.
Important rule: You should not rely on the mirror and evaluate your appearance only in front of it. It is much more correct to consider the entire situation as a whole, and to do this, turn on the camera and look at yourself through the eyes of the audience.
Psychological attitude
A good mood is the key to your success. No one wants to look at a sad girl or lady with an indifferent face. Therefore, the psychological attitude is very important. Remember that you are unique and viewers will definitely come to you who will be interested exclusively in your personality. Be yourself and show maximum kindness to people – believe me, there will be no end to the members.
A webcam model faces different situations while working. This also includes ill-wishers who can ruin the mood by writing something unpleasant. Here you should not pay attention, not take it personally and, if possible, send it to a ban. Under no circumstances be like these boors, because with your behavior you can scare off the audience, and they will go to another room, where there is a calm and pleasant atmosphere.
Preparing to work as a webcam model
We have collected visual material for you that will show you the correct options for work and what not to do. Look carefully from the outside, because it is better to learn from the mistakes of others.
Everything should be harmonious
Remember that you should look great in the environment you create. Try not to blend into the background! If you are a red-haired girl, then you do not need to hang a red picture on the wall or cover the sofa with fabrics in red tones. Pay attention to your clothes and surroundings – this is very important! Nothing should distract the member from you, but on the contrary, you should create an environment in which your silhouette and face are favorably emphasized, then you can position the client for pleasant communication.

Tight clothing in soothing colors emphasizes all lines. The girl has a pleasant setting in gray and white tones, which only sets off her eye-catching makeup and dark hair color. Everything is harmonious here: the decor and clothing mute the model’s bright appearance, making the frame optimally pleasant.
The girl is sitting too close to the camera. Orange-red tones are visible in the background, but the girl is red-haired and wearing a yellow jacket. Besides, the girl is without makeup. Her face was lost in all this range of yellow and red. This is unlikely to be a successful image that will attract an audience.
Watch your facial expressions
A web model should not only enjoy all the delights that nature has given her, but also skillfully convey her emotions. In order for the viewer to understand that you are actually involved in the communication process, you need to monitor your facial expression. In this case, a smile, a languid look, and winks should be controlled! Your face should reflect all emotions: surprise, desire, passion and even slight feigned sadness. Remember that the member sees you and can understand a lot through facial expressions.

A pleasant smile, a bewitching gaze – this is what the viewer should always see. Wink, bite your lip, be shy when people compliment you. Be alive and active! Only then will there always be a lot of guests in your room.
A very boring and slightly dissatisfied expression on his face—that’s what the viewer would think if he saw such a frame. It feels like this girl was forced to go online. Understand that you are always under constant attention, so even yawning needs to be cute and shy.
Makeup and hairstyle
Many girls cannot even go to the nearest store without makeup. If this concerns work, then follow their example! You need to be spectacular, emphasize your strengths and hide your flaws. Are you against bright makeup? This is not required! Many men are for natural beauty, but not the kind where there is a dull face and scraggly hair. It is important to beautifully emphasize naturalness: a good complexion, a slight blush, slightly lined eyes and lips – any man will appreciate this. Therefore, there is still one rule: you cannot go online without makeup! The hairstyle should match your image and convey your mood, but not interfere with your work.

A blonde woman who is in a bright room. What do you need to avoid getting lost in the background? Of course, neat, but brighter makeup and dark clothes. Look at the hairstyle – you just need to do a few backcombing, curl your hair with an iron, and you will get light (natural) curls.
The girl is pretty, but she would be several times more attractive if she made eyeliner, highlighted her lips and wore something in red tones. Hair also needs easy styling, because many men, first of all, pay attention to well-groomed hair. Since the background is too monotonous, it was possible to hang a black and white picture. And notice how necessary light is here. Just a couple of touches, and the audience is several times larger.

Don’t like bright images? Then here’s an example with natural makeup. Don’t think this model isn’t even wearing foundation. This is an optical illusion! If you look closely, you can see light shadows, lip balm, powder and bronzer. The hairstyle is just well-groomed hair and a little mousse. This cute look will appeal to many clients.
This is what the wrong use of natural tones in makeup does. A regular tail, which is not appropriate in this case, and again, poor lighting! Not only is it not winning, but it also highlighted the shortcomings of the model. Letting her hair down or French braiding it, adding a little warm light, and working on her makeup would make her look so much better.
What should I wear?
Every detail of appearance is very important, including clothing. In this case, it all depends on the category you choose. In the “Erotica” section, a webcam model can appear in front of the camera in beautiful underwear, and if you are registered in the “Flirting” section, then you should choose beautiful clothes that will highlight your figure. See how those who work in different categories shape their image. And take a closer look at what not to do.

An ideal combination for a webcam model who works in the Erotica category. An elegant red bodysuit with (push-up) is an ideal option for a sultry brunette. Nice makeup, a suitable angle (the body and face are visible) – this is a good example for those who work in this category.
Another brunette with excellent proportions put on a strange bodysuit that tightens her breasts, making them several times smaller and not showing off the girl’s figure favorably! Everything here looks awkward. Although if she were dressed in lace lingerie, the image would be incomparable and would attract attention.
Those who work in the “Flirting” category can easily vary on the verge of modesty and liberation. However, if you are not considering the possibility of “nudity”, then why not highlight your curves? How the presented model did it. Appearance, setting and excellent transmission of emotions through facial expressions.

Everything is wrong here: makeup, clothes, angle, lighting. The girl’s appearance is very good; with the right look and makeup, there would be hundreds of members in her room. But here, most likely, the girl has no audience, since she is simply sitting in front of the computer, as if watching a video.
Below is a clear example of why a webcam model should always monitor the correct lighting arrangement. It is important to avoid dimming or, conversely, excess light. You must remember that playing with light and shadow can both highlight your strengths and show all your shortcomings.

A bright room and properly set light made for a high-quality shot, emphasizing the attractiveness of the model. Natural light sources (such as windows) can also provide additional lighting. It is better to dilute any room with light colors, especially if the room is dark, where natural lighting will have little effect on the quality of the picture in the frame.
Due to the twilight, the girl’s camera cannot focus. Hence the conclusion is that lighting plays a key role for a webcam. Look how the pretty girl faded against a dark background without lighting, but all the unevenness of her skin is clearly visible – this scares off the audience.
Camera settings
One of the most important aspects. If your webcam doesn’t convey rich colors, can’t focus properly in good lighting, or can’t convey a clear image, then buy another option. You won’t be able to earn big money until you invest in quality equipment. Don’t waste your time and money – the camera is too important for the job. Look below at the difference in frames.

In the webcam settings, you can add saturation and adjust colors. Such settings, combined with lighting, help produce a clear picture in the final result, and most importantly, natural colors.
Just look at those rich warm tones, highlights and frilly shine on the skin. Here, due to the overabundance of color saturation, a lot of unnatural red color peeks through. Girls, if you don’t want such problems, then we ask you to pay special attention to the camera settings and lighting.
Behavior of a webcam model in chat
Since you know about all the necessary aspects of the job, now let’s look at the behavior of various web models in front of the camera. Follow the example of only experienced ladies and do not make the mistakes of others.
Don’t sit still
Pose, dance, change the angle – do everything to attract the client, but just don’t sit in one place all the time. Get up, walk around, catch the rhythm of your favorite song and amaze your clients with your flexibility and sexuality. A close-up of appetizing lips or beautiful legs is acceptable, but only for a short time (2-3 minutes), so that the client does not get bored with it, but rather is attracted. All movements should first be rehearsed in front of a mirror before starting work!

“I need to do something”
If a webcam model wants to fix her makeup, drink some water, or change her clothes, then you have two options: do it playfully or completely turn off the broadcast and do everything that needs to be done. If you want to paint your lips, make it fun. If you want to drink some water, always have a nice glass with a straw nearby. Do you want to have a snack? Why not enjoy apple slices or strawberries? Take a close-up, put some gloss on your lips and start eating fruit, as if flirting with the viewer. If in doubt, it’s best to disconnect from the broadcast and come back later.